Work on the core exercise had commenced. Everyone in the studio had started producing their schematic diagrams for their future buildings. The program goes like this: each student must produce a building which includes a worship assembly place (pertaining to a very specific religious group; for instance, in my case, it's Russian Orthodoxy) and a gymnasium. Everyone was given the choice of working in one of either two lots in Ottawa: the first is in Rideau St./Cumberland St. intersection while the other is in Summerset St./Aurthur St. intersection (My choice was of the former).
What I have decided to do is to create a common base for both the church and the gym. I call this base, for want of a better word, "the museum" and it includes multi-functional spaces (such as galleries and administration area) making it appropriate also for people who attend the church and the gym; basically, it acts as a common denominator for the two and it makes the different ingredients work as in one complex.
Also, the roof of the museum is at a moderate slope, creating an extended open public space, which people can go on top of, from the sidewalk.